Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Should College Be Successful - 853 Words

For people who have already attended and finished high school, one of the choices that they will have to make is to whether to continue with a higher education, or start walking and planning life right away. I decided to continue my education and try to get a degree in some field that I was interested in. Why did I decide to go to college? I decided to go to college for many reasons; therefore, I wanted to become successful, have an education, and I wanted to make sure that in the future I had a degree in a field that I really liked. I wanted to attend college as soon as I graduated from high school. Now the decision of where I wanted to go was the tough part. At first I thought I wanted to go to a four year university, but I then thought of some of the things that I may not like about going to a four year university. While I was in high school, I applied for many colleges throughout New York. While some I got accepted into, then there was some where I got denied from. I got accepted into The College of Saint Rose, University of Hartford, Suny Plattsburg, and a couple of others. I wanted to attend Saint Rose and Plattsburg, but I didn’t think I was ready to leave and be sort of off on my own. I am very close to my family, they are all my best friends. There were events in my high school time that made me believe that I am not ready for college, and I had to be right emotionally first. I thought the first day being in the dorm I would call my mom up and tell her that I wantShow MoreRelatedShould College Degree Be A Successful Career?1451 Words   |  6 Pagesfamilies, on a college education, they need make sure they know what they’re getting into. In this essay Payne will argue that a college degree is not always necessary to have a successful career. This is a question she asks herself on a regular basis, while she works full time, and takes time away from her family. 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